Chapter 3 Basics

In this chapter you will see some short introduction to R environment. The basic information will be covered with more concern in following chapters.

3.1 Getting started

3.1.1 Help

There are just few things you really need to remember and follow when you want to start using R. First, there is very good help build in. To access it, you use ? sign with name of function: e.g.: ?t.test. After executing command, in your window with Help pane, a page dedicated to this function will pop up. You will get information on syntax, options to use with this function and in most cases some code examples. However, with single question mark you are telling R to only look into functions from packages that are currently loaded and have this precise name. If you want to tell R to look for proper function in all packages or you are not sure what the exact name is you can use double question mark e.g. ??mutate. In effect, in the same pane and window as previously you will get a list of results that match your query. Finally, using Packages pane, you can click on one of the packages names, to display all of the functions within it. Than, by clicking on the name of functions you are interested in, you will be taken to proper page with description.

3.1.2 Internet is a great source of information

Anytime you feel lost or need help that is beyond the scope of manuals, just ask Google. For instance you can use this query: how to make density plot in R. Thanks to huge community you will find a lot of answers. The most reliable ones can be found on StackOverflow, StatsExchange and RBloggers. If you don’t know if there is a package to perform particular task, also ask uncle Google. For instance, if you want to use random numbers from Dirichlet distribution, you can use this query: dirichlet distribution r.

3.1.3 More on internet sources

A good practice, when you want to learn programming language, is to read what other people do and how they code. In the beginning it might be a bit overwhelming or confusing to read all the stuff. However, reading others work will get you used to syntax and workflow, and will give you great basics to invent your own code. Hopefully, you don’t need to spend hours searching for some interesting blogs. There is great blog aggregator R weekly, that gathers in one place the best posts, pod-casts, etc. on R, every week.

3.2 Syntax

3.2.1 Common operators

In general R syntax resembles syntax of standard math functions \(f(x, z) = a * x + b * z\). So in R the syntax to call this function would be… f(x, z), which would evaluate (behind scenes) expression a * x + b * z. You can think about functions in this language with general pattern function_name(argument_1, argument_2, ..., argument_n). Next thing you should know before you start working is that there are three main signs used in R’s syntax. First two are assignment symbols: <- and =; for convention we use them in different cases. You need to use = ONLY for function arguments. Third one is #. It is a symbol used for comments. Everything following this symbol to the end of code line will not be executed. There are also other signs (or symbols) which are building blocks of language, however their use is very precisely defined and reserved for certain events. Below you find a table with reference for most common operators used. You will faster grasp it while you write your own code, than by reading about it. Thus, I suggest we go deeper into variable types in R language.

Table 3.1: Common operators in R
sign type action
+ maths addition
- maths substraction
* maths multiplication
/ maths division
%% maths modulo
^ maths power
> relations left greater
>= relations left greater of equal
< relations right greater
<= relations right greater or equal
== relations left equal right
!= relations left uneqal right
! logics not
& logics and
| logics or
~ model left relates to right
<- or -> assignment assignes value to variable
$ address extracts values with ‘element name’ from variable
: sequence creates sequence of numbers from ‘left value’ to ‘right value’
%>% or %<>% piping pipes results(from left) as arguments to functionon right

3.2.2 Variables

Concept of variable is crucial for programming. In R variables can contain many things: vectors, data frames, results of statistical analyses etc. Each of variables have some characteristic properties. They are defined by class of the variable. Thanks to class attribute, R knows, how to deal with variable – what is the internal structure and what operations can be performed over variable. Data can be stored in variables in different manners. To assign something to variable we use <- operator, which tells R to store right side of arrow under name on the left side of arrow. The simplest variable is vector, which can be of class: character, integer, numeric or logical. For instance:

characterVector <- c('a', 'b', 'c')
## [1] "character"
integerVector <- c(1L, 2L, 3L)
## [1] "integer"
numericVector <- c(2.5, 3.5, 4.5)
## [1] "numeric"
logicalVector <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
## [1] "logical"

For more complex data, we have four basic classes: vectors, lists, data frames and matrices. Matrix is similar to data frame. The most obvious difference is that matrix contains only one class of variables (usually numeric or integer), while data frame can store numeric, as well as characters and factors (for now, you can assume that factor class is used to store categorical variables) in separate columns. Also matrices are used when programmers want to achieve great speed in mathematical computation. Data frames are resembling tables from popular spreadsheet software. Lets look:

matrixVariable <- matrix(c(1:10), nrow = 2)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]    1    3    5    7    9
## [2,]    2    4    6    8   10
## [1] "matrix"
dfVariable <- data.frame(x1 = 1:5, x2 = 6:10)
##   x1 x2
## 1  1  6
## 2  2  7
## 3  3  8
## 4  4  9
## 5  5 10
## [1] "data.frame"

Lists are… lists of variables. Each list element can be of different class and length. To grasp the idea of lists it will be best to present it with example:

listVariable <- list(x1 = c("a", "b"), x2 = 1:4, x3 = matrix(c(1:6), nrow = 2))
## $x1
## [1] "a" "b"
## $x2
## [1] 1 2 3 4
## $x3
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    3    5
## [2,]    2    4    6
## [1] "list"
## [1] "character"
## [1] "integer"
## [1] "matrix"

There are plenty of other classes, e.g. for time variables, however mentioned above are the basic ones you will deal mostly. Also because they are so often used, you should learn how to recognize their structure at a glance. Later on, I will present you how (and when) each of this variables types can be used in work. Naming Variables

First of all, all names are case-sensitive, which means that R recognize variables named RVariable, rVariable and Rvariable as three different objects. Second thing to remember is that variable name have to start with a letter and may contain only letters, numbers and symbols: . (dot) and _ (underscore). There are also some good practices in naming variables (after Hadley Wickham Style guide):

  • use lowercase to names variables (and functions)
  • use nouns to name variables (and verbs for functions)
  • try to be precise when naming
  • try to be concise when naming
  • use underscore _ to separate words (snake_case) e.g. first_variable
  • some other guidelines suggest using camel cases e.g. firstVariable

And the golden rule should be - whatever guideline you follow – be consequent!

3.3 Math operations

In R we use standard math operators + - * / to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Symbol ^ indicates that we want to use power, and sqrt to make square root. OK, so whats the name of a function to get nth root? Probably you remember from math lessons that \(\sqrt [n] {x} = x^\frac{1}{n}\), thus you can just write x^(1/n). To change order of operation (which are following mathematics rules) use brackets (). Other important mathematical functions are %% for modulo, and %/% for integer division.

5 + 2
## [1] 7
11 - 3
## [1] 8
## [1] 2.444444
14 %/% 3 + 1
## [1] 5
8^(1/3) + 10%%6
## [1] 6

To calculate logarithms there is build in function log(). It uses as a base Euler’s number by default, however you can override it i.e. log(10, base = 10). You can calculate exponential function using exp() function. There are also trigonometric functions in R: sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(). Angles are used/expressed in radians. To transform values from degrees to radians multiply by pi and divide by 180. To transform values from radians to degrees multiply by 180 and divide by pi. By the way, pi is a constant in R, meaning that its value is build in the language (similar as Euler number is exp(1)).

someArc <- 90*pi/180
## [1] 1
atanValue <- atan(0.89)
## [1] 41.66908

3.4 Logics

Logical expression are often used in programming. They compare left side with right side arguments of statement. The result of those comparison might be TRUE or FALSE (in many other languages those are called Boolean values) which belong to class Logical. In Table 3.1 you will find list of most common logical operators used to build statements. Here is a small cheatsheet tables:

Table 3.2: AND Table
Table 3.2: OR Table

Below you can see them in action:

5 >= 1
## [1] TRUE
10%%2 == 0
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
5L | 11.1 <= 6
## [1] TRUE

3.5 Functions

When writing code we generally want to perform some actions on our variables. There is a lot of build in functions in base R distribution, and a whole Galaxy of functions provided by community. Function can be literally any action performed on variables. For instance, there are some build in statistical functions like t.test() or chisq.test(). Other function can be use to draw some charts and plots, e.g. plot(). It’s easy to recognize function, since its structure is name followed by parentheses (). Inside parentheses user provides arguments and options to function. Lets see how it works with one of build in functions:

tTestResult <- t.test(numericVector, integerVector)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  numericVector and integerVector
## t = 1.8371, df = 4, p-value = 0.1401
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.7669579  3.7669579
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##       3.5       2.0

We used t.test() function, with two arguments: numericVector and integerVector. In second function call, we ordered R to print out the results of statistical test stored in variable tTestResult – which is the argument of this function. I’ll show you how to write your own function in chapter 6.